Couple of BC Yardbirds on the Genny



Did a couple of BC Yardbirds on Sunday for my Daughters 30th. Rubbed with Weber Kickin' Chicken and Roasted Herb and Garlic.

Ready to get cookin'.


All done, sorry no plated pics, but made some out of this world tacos...mmm!!


Thanks for lookin'...keep on cookin'...:redgenesis1:
Thanks Guys, oh, forgot that the cans had onion slices, crushed garlic cloves, lemon wedges and thyme for more flavor. Love to play around with the stuff that can be used with BC chickens. Stuffed a small potato in the neck to keep the steam in.
Nice job on those birds - they look GBD (golden brown and delicious) for sure. Happy birthday to you daughter too...


Ya Ya I like! I'll Bet those tacos were really good!
Question Do you find the herbs in the can does add more flavor? Have you done a comparison without?
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Awesome birds and great color. Love those seasoning, use them all the time on different things.
Happy BD to your daughter and the yard birds look great, I'm sure they made some great tacos.
Ya Ya I like! I'll Bet those tacos were really good!
Question Do you find the herbs in the can does add more flavor? Have you done a comparison without?

Yep, I think it makes a huge difference. I add different things to the can and get different results. You gotta make sure you plug the neck so the steam won't escape, that's what keeps the flavor in the bird.

