Chuck eye and Boneless Flanken Rib Tacos w/ Grilled Sweet Potato Salad, Avocado Soup!


Gary H. NJ

TVWBB Platinum Member
There are some relatively cheap cuts of beef that are full of flavor and grill up well. I picked up a small pack each of tiny chuck eyes (4 little steaks came to 0.7 lb.) and a pack of two boneless flanken beef ribs (pack was 0.6 lb.). I pounded the flanken down and marinated everything this morning with 2 minced chipotle in adobo, 2 minced garlic cloves, dash of soy, oregano, salt and pepper with a Tbsp of olive oil.

Meanwhile I whipped together a chilled avocado soup. Sounds odd, tastes great -- very refreshing for the summertime! Since I'm a bit lactose intolerant, I subbed out the cream for a dollop of yoghurt.

On hour before dinner, time to get things going. Cut five smallish sweet potatoes into 3/4 inch slices and steamed (microwaved in a corning-ware dish with a little water) until just tender, then grilled for some color. Grill was a bit too hot and those things burn easily...

Scallions too.

Eggplant and jalapenos too.

Chuck eyes on.

and boneless flanken ribs

Plated. Beef was tender and tasty. Simple and delish at the end of a warm summer day.

This brought the heat. The nice lady at the Mexican market warmed me that it was muy picante. Sí. Gringo en llamas. But really tasty. I'm addicted to it.

Janelle made a blueberry pie. We'll break into that shortly, with vanilla ice cream of course.

Thanks for visiting. Hope everyone is enjoying their summer!
P.S. Bobby Flay's grilled sweet potato salad recipe here.
And chilled avocado soup here.
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Great looking cook and photos, Gary!

Darn near cracked my computer screen trying to get a bite of the pie!:)
Beautiful tacos and pie. I've had that brand of hot sauce before just never the green variety. I'll have to give it a try.
Gary, I'm ready with knife 'n fork in hand...
Really Amazing Great Grilling!
And Yes, that pie looks AWESOME!!
Gary great looking dinner.
I do my sweet potaatoes that way, but I brush with EVOO and put any seasoning you would like to try on them.
Thanks Bill, and everyone else who visited with their kind comments.
Wishing everyone a Happy Independence Day.
Beautiful cook, as always, Gary. A little bit different look (artistic?) but beautiful and unique cook!
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