Chicken Cordon Bleu


Dwain Pannell

TVWBB Hall of Fame
2nd cook on the 14.5" and I chose a bacon wrapped fattie to help get some seasoning in the cooker.



Cooked and served with a sweet potato:


This little cooker holds a very solid temp. I made two adjustments on this short 2.5 hr cook: one on the way up to catch my cooking temp of 250*F and the second when I overshot it by 25*F. She settled in right at 260*F with an empty foiled pan, all three lower vents barely open, and the top vent ~ 25% closed. It seems like it's cheating.
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Dwain, I had been thinking about how to do a chicken cordon blue, but I had not thought about treating it like a fatty. Well done sir, I salute you!
Thanks for the good words fellas.

Dwain, I had been thinking about how to do a chicken cordon blue, but I had not thought about treating it like a fatty. Well done sir, I salute you!

James, I wish I could take credit but I got this idea off the internet. I lost a lot of the cheese from this one. I do not have a recommendation on how to keep the cheese inside... yet. If you figure it out let me know!

