Boring chicken....


Tony R

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
This week we made mole. (Google it) not sure how to explain this. We bought the mole in east la in a semi famous spot " El Mercadito". It has restaurant on top with mariachis. 2nd floor is like a market and little taco spots. 1st floor random stuff you would be able to buy from Mexico.

Started with a pack of chicken. Went into a pot and boiled it for 15 minutes.

Removed the chicken then grilled it until it hit a safe internal temp.

Used 6 cups of chicken stock and added my mole paste. This was 6-8 oz. keeps stirring until mole was nice and silky.

Chicken was added to the mole and had it in low for 20 minutes. Skin was removed

Plates and ready to it. This is not how it's usually done but mole still good. Many ways to cook it.

Thanks for stopping by

Tony and Maribel
I read the headline, but I didn't see any boring chicken. False advertising man! :p

I'd eat that up in a heartbeat.
I love mole! From your headline, I was expecting a standard WSM smoked/roast whole chicken. Surprised to see one of the most complex and subtle dishes ever. Great work!

