

Bob Whitney

Bacon!!!!!!! (Updated / Sliced)

After years of being on my To-Do list I finally got to cross this off today. Last week I went to a local Korean Market and bought a 13# Pork Belly. I did alot of homework for a couple days and figured out a game plan. First the Cure. I used Morton's Tender Quick, Brown sugar and Sea Salt. Rubbed it up and went to the Fridge for six days turning it everyday.

Sunday afternoon I took it out and gave it a rinse. Then as advised I cut off a piece and fried to check the salt. Very Salty so I gave it a two hour bath.

Then back to the fridge with a good layer of fresh crushed Pepper to air dry overnight. This afternoon I got the Ranch Kettle Ready. I used regular Kingsford and six good sized chunks of Apple. I really wanted to hit it hard with smoke. I dialed the Ranch in at 220. Started the cook at 3:45

At 5:20 the internal temp hit my goal of 140 deg.

Had to give it a taste test right? Soooooooooo F ing Good.

Let it rest for an hour then foiled and back to fridge. Slicing tomorrow more pics to come. Thanks for looking.
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I will be curious how the pics look. Is this more of a side dish or main course? How will you treat the left overs? Can't decide if this is a bucket list item or not. Thanks for the post.
Very nice. Just wondering, I have done just two slabs so far so by no means an expert. What I found is that just using the MTC it had all the saltiness it needed I can't see adding more salt. If you found it way too salty try just adding the sugar and pepper and you may not need to soak it for two hours.
I will be curious how the pics look. Is this more of a side dish or main course? How will you treat the left overs? Can't decide if this is a bucket list item or not. Thanks for the post.

It's much more than a bucket list item. Once you do it you will be amazed at the difference in flavor and quality over store-bought bacon. Much of what you find in grocery stores is wet-cured. There is simply no way to compare that - even the high-quality grocery store stuff - to bacon dry cured and smoked yourself. And best of all, it is almost impossible to screw up. We cure and smoke bacon about once a month at our house now. Try it and I guarantee you'll love it!
interesting way to butcher the ribs out. is that how it's typically done for bacon? seems like it would leave a lot of meat on the belly that way which is great. i've always just taken the rack off to have a rack to cook up while i wait for the cure to finish.

Doing this was fun but most of all Bacon at the Market is Almost $6.00/lb. I made $100.00 of bacon for a little over $30.00 and from the first couple pieces I fried up there's no comparison. Thanks for following this.
Okay, thanks a lot! I'm just about to make (store bought) bacon and eggs for dinner... now I know it's going to suck compared to your bacon!


Now, to find room in the freezer for 12+ pounds of bacon, so I can buy a pork belly before my wife gets back from her business trip! ;)
Okay, thanks a lot! I'm just about to make (store bought) bacon and eggs for dinner... now I know it's going to suck compared to your bacon!


Now, to find room in the freezer for 12+ pounds of bacon, so I can buy a pork belly before my wife gets back from her business trip! ;)

Thanks, just throw away those green things called Veggies.

