A little help with cooking time and scheduling


Frank C. in NY

TVWBB Member
This weekend I plan on cooking a couple of shoulders for a small get together. I have yet to do a shoulder but have read a ton on it here. I know to expect a 12-14 hour cook on my 22.

Here is where I am stuck. I would like to have it ready to eat around three or four in the afternoon. I know I can start it out early, around one and give it a two hour rest in foil and a cooler. My issue, I will not be home to watch it after seven in the morning. I'm worried about leaving it. I can come home around 1230 to pull it and wrap it, but there is no guarantee it will be ready in time. I know, BBQ is ready when it is ready. I will not want to rush it to complete it. I can always start it later, pull it after three sometime when I am home again and eat later, which is fine also, but it still puts me in the predicament of leaving the house while it is smoking for a healthy five hours towards the back end of the cook. I can cook it ahead of time, but I'm worried about re-heating and not being fresh enough for everyone on Saturday. All of my friends have heard me talk about my my new smoker and they all want to try it. The last thing I need is dry pork or less then savory food to serve.

I remember reading all three of those threads and seriously considered braising instead. I am a Guinness fan, so that's just a plus.

The main issue I am having is not the time to cook, but the time in the middle that I will be away. We will be at an event from 0700 until at least 1100. So that is a healthy four hours of no one paying attention to the smoker. I don't know if I could leave it alone for that much time. At least at night I would be home sleeping and listening for the alarm to sound off on the Mav 733.

Questions regarding the braised method.
1. Did you keep the same temp through out the entire cook, braising time included? 225 ish?
2. Lets say I smoke it to 160. Cover, cool in the fridge, while I am away. Can I then re-heat in the oven in the braising solution (I'm thinking Guinness, apple juice and brown sugar) until the butts get to 200*? Would that accomplish the same thing? Would it be....bbq cheating....to use an oven?

One idea that was recommended to me by a good friend was to cook a day ahead of time. Smoke and pull it like normal then refridge the meat. The day of the party re-heat in the oven with apple juice (about a 1/4 cup for butt) at 200* oven temp or so until the meat reaches 150* serving temp then serve it up.
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1) Yes
2) I don't know maybe someone else might

I do know that PP is great several days after it's been pulled. I've never froze it after being pulled, no matter how much I make, it's never enough to freeze

