40+ pounds of pork butts



New member
I've been meaning to post this for a few weeks. Back in July I cooked for 35 people. I ended up with 5 pork butts that were 8 -10 pounds each. I also did beans but you can't really see them in the pics. They turned out great, but I didn't get any finished pics. Here's a few of what I was able to take pics of.

Here they are after about 5 hours at 250. There are 2 more underneath.

After about 8 or 9 hours I piled all of the butts on the top rack and put the beans on the bottom (you can kinda see them).

12 hours later and this is what I had. Like I said, they tasted GREAT, I wish I would have got some pics after I pulled them:mad:

Thanks for lookin
It's a pork butt pyramid! Real good looking mahogany bark. How'd the beans turn out with the pork butt drippings? That's a technique I've been wanting to try for a while now.

And Go Noles!
MacGreggor, the beans were turned out awesome. I left them on for a total of about 3-4 hours. They thickened up real nice. I added some rib meat from an earlier cook.
Outstanding cook and LOTS of meat! The bark is spot on, I can taste it right now. Awesome job.
That's one load of butts and they look great. Got to try the bean thing that had to be really good.

