1st Cold Smoked Cheese Attempt



TVWBB Member
Well the temperature finally dropped down here, so I thought....what the hell lets smoke some cheese

Starting with 4 Pepper-jack, 2 Sharp Cheddar, 1 Mild Cheddar, 1 Colby jack, and a pack of Mozzarella sticks. Using a smoke tube with Apple Pellets for 3 hours. Going with 3 hours since that seems the median. Then will Vac Seal. Anyone have advice on how long to keep it in the fridge before opening??

[/url]WSM-008 Cold Smoked Cheese by David McPeak, on Flickr[/IMG]
[/url]WSM-008 Cold Smoked Cheese by David McPeak, on Flickr[/IMG]
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When I do mine (Cheddar and Gouda) I vacuum seal it and let it sit in the fridge for at least a week. If you can stand it; the longer the better!
I vac seal and fridge for 30 days and then give to my friends for Holiday treats. I personally love smoked cheese and apple slices. Happy Holidays
Why wait! I'd just chow down on that! I usually wait a day or 2, maybe a week, but any more than that is probably excessive. I've been toying with getting one of those smoke tubes! Awesome post!
Looks awesome Dave, but waiting for up to 30days. That is pushing it, I'm afraid there would be a mouse in it before the time was up.
I have smoked cheese that has been aging now for 3 years. It only gets better with time. Eat it early if you must but you will be missing out.
I did this with a cheaper cheese brand, if it comes out well will move up to the more expensive brands. Will let y'all know in another week or 2
I am always amazed when I see posts about smoked cheese, and yours did it again! That is some awesome looking cheese! Ideally need to pull the trigger on a smoke tube and start doing this. To me, a couple packs of smoked cheese would be a great Christmas gift.
Great looking cheese,
That cheese looks amazing. Would be hard for me to wait 30 days to eat that. Just curious.....how cold was it out side and was there even a lid temp during the smoke.
Looks amazing... going to pick up a tube and give this a try...I LOVE Smoked cheese but never thought about about making my own.

It looks like from that first pic that you left/leave the water pan in the smoker...
I wonder how cold outside is too cold.....

The pellet smoker wouldn't generate much heat, probably a good idea to make sure the outside temperature is just over freezing at least (thinking out loud for my situation).

The idea of those smoke tubes has been growing on me - wood chips on the gasser along with cold smoke.

Great looking pictures btw

