Search results

  1. S

    One Juicy Bird... Spatchcocked

    looks great!
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    Birthday Dinner

    No better way to spend a b-day!
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    Saint Burgers.

    I lurves me some Blue! Looks fantastic.
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    What's your favorite coffee maker?

    That's a nice even roast there, Edward!
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    Oddly International Meal

    I'll take your Buffalo Trace and raise you a Sheep Dip ;)
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    Looks fantastic, and what a lovely sweet family photo!
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    Grate replacement: Weber stainless or charbroil cast iron?

    They look neat, but oofa they ain't cheap!
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    Grate replacement: Weber stainless or charbroil cast iron?

    ah, now I see it o the Weber site. The dopes list it as "SS", not 'stainless'
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    Grate replacement: Weber stainless or charbroil cast iron?

    Where did you find round stainless? All I seem able to find are ones for Weber gassers.
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    WSM Outside?

    My wsm and kettles are outside all the time. When it rains I'll move one on to the porch if need be but The Chief doesn't like that too much as she fears the smoke will discolor the trim...
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    Vacation Food (Long Beach Island, NJ)

    That swordfish looks amazing! Welcome to the Shore! (we really try not to let people realize that it's actually a pretty darn nice place down here!)
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    Larry Wolfe's BEST Recipe (revisited)

    I FINALLY made this! Could not have turned out better!
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    Larry Wolfe's BEST Recipe (revisited)

    I can't believe I haven't tried this yet. Man that looks so good.
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    Monday's Meal

    Jim, do you season the romaine in any way before you plop it on?
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    Beef and reef!

    Love the happy fellow in the second picture! (the one with two legs )
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    this is amazingly inventive!
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    I've checked this meal myself! Chicken and Bacon

    Wonderful presentation and mix of flavors! Almost like a chicken-crusted bacon-feta pizza? What's not to love?
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    Coolest thing I've ever smoked

    Did you re-read "Lord of the Flies" while it was cooking?
  19. S

    Baby backs, crashers, broccoli, beans

    Looks fantastic Gary!
  20. S

    Thursday nite clean out the fridge meatloaf

    What is this "too much cheese" of which you speak?

