Wussy Genesis EP-310


Brian Wilson

New member
Greetings all -

Long time WSM owner, and recent (4 days) owner of a nice new Genesis EP-310 NG. The grill it replaced was a Ducane 1204. The Ducane was 436 square inches with 25,000 BTUs and the Genesis is 637 square inches with 42,000 BTUs. The Ducane clocks in at 57.3 BTUs per sq/in and the Genesis beats it with 65.9 BTUs per sq/in, however the Genesis only appears to get about half as hot.

What's going on?

The gas connection is essentially the same... cooked steaks the first night, chicken burgers the second night and cedar planked salmon the third night - all direct grilling of course. It seems the Genesis took about twice as long as the Ducane that it was replacing.

Major bummer. Is there an adjustment I'm overlooking?

Do you know about the new (last few years) Safety Valve in the LP tanks?

Make sure that you're doing things in this order:

-Start with Grill Valves "OFF"
-Open Valve on LP Tank
-Open Valve(s) on Grill & light

The tanks that are made in the last few years will (mostly) close-down if they sense a sudden gas flow.

Do you have the correct regulator for it?
(Running off Propane Tank or House hookup natural gas) Depending on what you're doing, you may need a different regulator?

Could you give us a temperture rather than BTU's?

If the grill isn't getting over 250-300F then its a safety issue relating to the regulator. I'm not familar with NG setups but I know that I just finished replacing my LP regulator and my Spirit gets over 600F in about 10 minutes.

Before I replaced my regulator I wasn't getting over 200F.
I'm running the stock setup and the grill came from the factory set up for natural gas.

Hmmm... maybe I should get drastic and read the owner's manual or something.
I don't have a temp comparison unfortunately. I do have a laser spot thermometer that I can check with, but would have to set up the Ducane again for comparison's sake.
Brian - I don't know if you would need to setup the Ducane to compare.

Start up the Weber and give it a good 10 minutes to warm up and take a reading. Also time how long it takes to get past 500F.

Like I mentioned before - I only have a Spirit so I can't help on how long it takes to get to a certain temp - but other owners should be able to take your data and tell you if that is within the norm or not.
I would check the installation specs, or call Weber CS to make sure your NG supply line is the right diameter.
I believe there was a post awhile back, that said the Genesis required at least a 3/4" feed??

I found the post , but it was on a Summit..
But it still might help ya on your problem.
Also have you checked to make sure the shut-off is completely open before the stub-out?


