WSM modifications with Pics/ Plus free offer.



TVWBB Wizard
Since I got my 18.5 WSM in March I have done some mods, just to make my life easier. !st was adding handles, second was bolting the grates together and today I added a top hood vent. Glad I did #1 & #2, #3 I will see how she works.

Oh when I ordered the new vent covers I ordered 2. I didn't realize that I would get 2 sets of 3 ea vent covers. So if anyone wants to add a vent or needs a replacement cover let me know. No charge.





Any chance you ordered a bottom vent kit, instead of the top one? I was wondering why the item numbers and part numbers were different. Sure look the same to me.

I'd be interested in getting one of those if you have any left. Would you be willing to drop one in the mail?


I am doing this on both my 18 & 22. Cracking the lid has always helped me get more heat than cracking the door.

Did you just tape before you drilled? Picked up a unibit (ouch) last week and the dampers came this week.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by JSMcdowell:

I am doing this on both my 18 & 22. Cracking the lid has always helped me get more heat than cracking the door.

Did you just tape before you drilled? Picked up a unibit (ouch) last week and the dampers came this week. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Josh, yes I taped with painter tape, blue I think. I then used one of the vents as a template, have to flatten the vent stops tho, and drew the bolt hole and vent openings. I just did my 22 a couple weeks ago also. Make sure you mark the exact middle of the vent holes to start your pilot hole, other wise the vent and the holes won't line up perfectly. You can and I did fix the error with a file but better to be really careful.


Thanks for the quick reply.

I think I want the vent stops flat anyways on the top, to make sure I can get it completely shut.

On my 22" I am going to try to use mounting point for the therm, since it's worthless to me.
Finally did this one w/ my second set of vents this weekend (threw away the first set on accident).

I removed the weber therm on my 22" and did it there. I used the slot that keeps the therm from spinning as my hole for the bolt. Make sure to line up the hole for the temp probe if you do this! My uncle forgot and now has an extra hole hiding underneath his vent on his 22".
I'm really liking that "Lift Kit" for both grates. I have a WSM on order and have already located side handles. I hope to set up Mod's out of the box during installation.

Very Cool, Thanks for some Great ideas!
This mod worked out great for my last weekend. It really helps getting the cooker going w/ a lot of meat on there. I had 80# of butts and had no problem getting to 260 quickly. In the morning when it was running low on coals, I threw some more on there and opened the exhaust again and it jumped right back up.

I highly suggest this if you cook high heat or fill up your smokers.

