WSM 22 and Heatermeter with rd3



New member
How's it going guys, new to smoking and BBQ in general but having a lot of fun burning stuff and I got a WSM 22 and a HM with the adapt a damper and fan all from the heatermeter store and I'm trying to find all the old posts about settings for these. I know it changes and depends on what I have but I see settings like set maximum fan speed at 40% for a stock fan and is there a way to use the damper before the fan turns on? Thanks for any help!
Is there a way to use the damper before the fan turns on?
Yup, just set "Fan on above" to something higher than 0%, and "Servo fully open at" to something lower than 100%. You can overlap them but I have my BGE set to Servo fully open at 50% and Fan on above at 50% so the damper fully opens, then the fan turns on after that.
I don't think PitDroid has any configuration items in it. You just go to the webui with a browser and change them, use whatever the IP address you put into pitdroid except use a browser.
I ended up having to re-load my HM do to an ID10T error on upgrading the software and I'm currently running a test burn to re-configure my PID settings. I have a 22"WSM with an adapta-damper with a 15cmf blower. Yeah, the blower is over kill....
Here are my current settings for reference

I'd say it is coming along well....

And just the last hour. I might have to adjust that fan back to on above 10%...
Wow that looks just incredible, nice job with the tuning. I also dig on that color combination, the graph colors look good with the red gradient!

