WSK - Low/Slow Rib Cook - Went through a lot of charcoal!



Maybe I am just so used to how crazy efficient the Keg was using charcoal, but did some side ribs today on the WSK and it sure seemed to use a LOT of charcoal. I actually ran out as I was wondering why the temp was dropping. I was using lump (not briquettes), and never went above 275. Going to have to do some more testing, but in general, does anyone have any idea - maybe by weight or volume, how much is roughly used on a 5-6 hour cook?
Following this thread. Out of curiousity, what brand did you use? I’ve read in a few places that some lump brands aren’t as good for smoking as others... not sure why.
Not sure on the weight but I use KBB on my WSK not lump. I add a full chimney of briquettes dump over the snap jet starter and fire for 5 minutes. Shut off and adjust the bottom vent to smoke and the top vent to 1/4 (plus or minus). Get to temp. Which is 275 for me and ribs. Wait for the white smoke to dissipate roughly an hour and I have easily gotten 4-5 hours at this temp. With coals left over.

The summit charcoal is a little finicky to get used too. It defies most of the rules of low and slow compared to the WSM. I noticed that most of the fine adjustments are done with the top vent and not the bottom vent(s)
Thanks for the comments all. I used some lump charcoal I picked up last year when charcoal was harder to come by...

It is lots of smaller pieces and lighter, so I suspect it may be the cause of the quick burning...I have one bag to use yet, but I'll use it for more direct cooks, and also try some briquettes as well as a comparison. So far, I have found lump can be a little random with temperature fluctuations as the larger grate allows them to spread out more.

