Wirelesss Thermometer vs. WSM lid thermometer


Matthew H

New member
I recently purchased an Ivation wireless thermometer and used it for the first time last week on my WSM. The device has two sensors - one is an internal meat probe and one is a grill temp sensor. To my surprise the grill temp on the Ivation device was significantly higher than the lid thermometer on the WSM.... by 30 degrees or so. And yes, I used the provided clip that holds the sensor up off the actual grill. Now, it was very cold in St. Louis last week. Could the freezing temps been the cause of this large discrepancy (is the WSM lid thermometer impacted by cold outside temps)? Has anyone else experienced this and is it normal? Or is one of my gauges messed up?

First, welcome to the site Matthew.
On new years eve I started two pork butts on my WSM22. I use a HeaterMeater for control and through the night and into the morning my lid temp was about 25 degrees lower than my pit temp ate the top grate. This has been a consistent situation for the two years I have had the WSM. Had the same readings when I was using a Maverick system. Don't worry about it. Have heard this same thing from a lot of people. By the way, on the entire cook on new years, I was wearing shorts and a t-shirt. Living in Los Angeles it doesn't get cold often. So I know that it is not the outside temp causing the problem for me. It is what it is.

