Why do gas grills not have temperature controls?



TVWBB Member
I have always wondered why gas ovens have a temperature you can set it to.
But if you want to cook say a pizza on a grill, you have to fiddle with the high-medium-low to get it close to 400.
I've never seen gas grills with a knob that shows the temperature.
This is why we have kitchen ovens for. Lol. Temp scale on a knob is useless because you need all kind of sensors to do the job depending on the outside temperature. There may be grills who do that but that would take all the fun out of grilling.
Tonight I tried cooking a frozen pizza that said "great for grilling".
I turned the gas up to 400 like it said too.
Used no pan...like it said to.
Came out with the entire bottom like coal.
Tonight I tried cooking a frozen pizza that said "great for grilling".
I turned the gas up to 400 like it said too.
Used no pan...like it said to.
Came out with the entire bottom like coal.

Maybe they meant it's great on the pellet grill. Those grills have a heat shield that covers the entire surface.
There is a huge difference between baking in an oven or a grill. The oven has heat from the bottom and the top. You heat from both sides. The grill only from below. You cannot make a pizza on a grill without some kind of heat deflector such as a pan or even better a pizza stone. The pizza will burn if you put in on grates directly. Especially at 400 degree ambient temp where the heat below the grates is much higher.

