Which CI grates to get?



TVWBB Emerald Member
Ok, which CI grates are the best to use. I read different opinions on the Craycorts and some prefer the Char Broil brand and say there just as good. Any ideas on which to get?
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Old school vs. new school - ci vs. gg

Craycort vs. Char Boil - I don't think a steak can tell the difference brands of CI. Differences in appearance, longevity, thickness will be minor but these minor differences is what you are looking for. The numbers of people that have both to compare will be small, so you'll have to ask yourself whats more important to you. Cost, appearance, name recognition, etc.

Old vs new school - I have been looking at the Grill Grates and have been tempted. I want to place the grill grates directly over the fire and not on top of another grate. Grilling over non-GrillGrates has been happening for a long long time. Even if it's the best way to grill, it will take time to convert old-timers to this new innovation.
I love my craycorts but they can be a hassle to take off for lighting the chimney over the gas assist and then putting back on over the hot lit coals.

Hassle asside, I'm happy with my decision to spend the extra money on them. If I had selected on of the cheaper alternatives, i KNOW I would have been lusting after them.
Here's our performer:

With that said, I think the STOK is a great option. It is a bit lighter in weight than the craycorts, but they claim that the grate is coated, so it should resist rust better.
Also the chimney cut out if CLUTCH.
My vote for craycort also. They are a little harder to maintain but like the solid build quality of them. I was ale to get a barely used set of CL with a unused wok insert for next to nothing. Really like them so far on the cooks I have used them on.
I have the weber gourmet system and like the options it provides. It gives great x grill marks. The rods are larger diameter then the original. I also can sit my wok in the en center for stir fry. Only negative is the space usage is less then the best.

Thanks Mike. I like the weber gourmet but I think I want more cast iron space. The craycorts seem inconvenient to have to pull two sections or more to add coals. Can't decide.
Thanks Mike. I like the weber gourmet but I think I want more cast iron space. The craycorts seem inconvenient to have to pull two sections or more to add coals. Can't decide.

I only use setup for steaks ( Thick Ribeyes especially ) and chicken and I can load more charcoal in there than I need for that cook without having to refill it so its not an issue. I did a full uncut chicken just Thurs and had no relaods. If I was doing much longer multiple hr cooks I could see it being an issue but for pretty much most of the basic cooks its not.......
I was thinking of switching from the stainless steel that came with my performer, has anyone switched and what did they think? Is it better with indirect heat?
The craycorts seem inconvenient to have to pull two sections or more to add coals.
You don't have to pull any sections to add coals. Position a quadrant over coals and don't put the insert in it. Just open the lid and drop in coals as needed
The GrillGrates are something that I had not seen until this post. They look like a great idea,
especially for fish, the tool is a good idea too. I believe that I will try them instead of CI.

