Where to get grates for '09 Summit


C Harbaugh

New member
I have a 2009 Summit S650 (I think that's the part number). It is the 6 burner grill with a small smoke box on the right end. I need to get replacement flavor bars and grates for it, and I can't seem to find any for that model. All of the ones I find are for the newer models, which are a different size. Any help on where to locate them would be appreciated.
Thanks for the link. I searched but couldn't find this one that showed the part numbers. However, I still can't seem to find anyone with the grates. The Weber site said for models older than 2010 to call or email customer service. I've been traveling for work and havent been able to call. I have emailed them with no response.

I googled the part numbers, and it looks like I could try to order them from Sears, but they also have a message to call customer service and do not give any price. Maybe these aren't available any more??? If that is the case, I'm going to be beyond frustrated...
was looking at the scematics and what fits yers also fits others. i think the problem is in the grate sizes and weber wants to make sure.
for yers i got 70372 and 70373. and yes, their email service is nonexistant. to bad for a company like this.
Unless the OP bought the grill used there should be no problem getting the flavorizer bars and grates replaced via Weber's warranty.

That is one thing to be aware of if you're buying a used weber. The warranty is non-transferable
From pretty much everything I've read, Weber is not a real stickler about proving you are the original owner. Seems they usually just want the serial number to verify age.

I've never had to test this theory, but there are many posts here that support it.


Back to the original post, I wonder what sort of treatment would require the flavorizer bars to be replaced so soon (2009 Summit)? The will crud up from drippings, but they should clean up also. I have a 2008 model and the grates are solid stainless and I can't see anything damaging the ones I have.

Might try hosing them with spray oven cleaner and putting them in trash bag to soak for a while to see if the old ones come clean first.

