Where are my Heatermeter chart files?


Bob Walters

TVWBB Member
If I connect my Heatermeter and make contact with it via a browser I can find my archived files, download the data, save a png file, take a screen shot and make a jpg file, etc.

However, that requires me to go through a routine which seems more complicated than necessary. After all that effort, I might as well cook something.

Aren't these "stash" files hanging out someplace where I can gain access to them using an ordinary computer without firing up my Heatermeter hardware?

The archive tab says they're "Stored in /mnt/mmcblk0p4/stash " but I'll be darned if that provides me with a strong enough clue to locate them.

Smart guys to the rescue please. :o
The alternative is to remove the SD card from the RasPi, boot an OS that has EXT4 filesystem support, mount the SD card, use rrdtool to read the file and create a graph. Firing up the HeaterMeter and navigating to saved stashes is probably easier!
The alternative is to remove the SD card from the RasPi, boot an OS that has EXT4 filesystem support, mount the SD card, use rrdtool to read the file and create a graph. Firing up the HeaterMeter and navigating to saved stashes is probably easier!

Easier? No kidding. Thanks for the explanation. I thought I was missing something obvious. I feel better now.............. I think.
Yeah they're stored on the device, so you have to fire up something in order to access them. The PNG image you can download is actually generated in your browser, and the CSV is just an export of the database, so neither of these files actually exist until you've requested them. If you want to be able to see them when the HeaterMeter isn't powered, the only way is to grab them from the bottom-of-the-page links when the device is powered.

