Weber Spirit - knobs get very hot


PJ Sloan

New member
So my new apartment included a "crappy old grill" that turned out to be a Weber Spirit 3-burner (310?) circa 2009. Cleaned it up, replaced the flavorizer bars, and it seems to be working fine.

My question: the grill gets very hot, even on medium. This is pretty great for steak, but the control knobs get extremely hot...almost too hot to touch - is this a common issue? I'm mostly a charcoal guy (Weber Kettle and WSM), so I'm only kind of sure what the burners SHOULD look like when lit. There is a visible yellow flame in the lower right corner burning virtually all the time, and it's quite pronounced when the knobs are set to "high." Should I be concerned about this?

Everything else is a dim blue, except during the odd flare-up...
It should be blue with slight yellow tips. I would disassemble the burners and clean them with compressed air. If you search burner stoppage I have posted a procedure for what I did. You can also find the owners manual on their site. Let me know how it turns out.
I have a Spirit with the three knobs on the right side. (The newer ones with knobs on front are preferred.) The knobs do get pretty hot if the grill is running for a while.

My temp gauge goes to 600, and it is no problem to bury the needle.

