weber replacement parts on amazon


kris lewis

TVWBB Member
I am a sucker for amazon because I get all kinds of gift cards(as gifts), they are cheaper than most other places, and they have quick shipping.

That being said, I was planning on buying from the ebay seller (forgot his name) the replacement grill for my newly acquired weber silver b, but think I will get the SS grates from amazon(#7527). 48.95 shipped(and i have a prime account so its two day shipping for free).

I do want to set my grill up for indirect. Any thoughts for this? Just run the front burner with the food in the back or vice versa?

This just brings back so many memories. Back in the day I would trick out my cars, not that I get a tad older with kids, I want to trick out my BBQ.

the 7527 grates are cheaper....but not the rod style grates you would have been getting from rcplanebuyer on ebay! The 7527s are just the hollow U shaped grates...where as the ones from rcplanebuyer are a solid 3/8" diameter rod. You get what you pay for here....just thought I would point out the differences.
as long as they last me a couple years i will be happy. the CL score grates were shot and I just paid 38.95 shipped from amazon. The 115 + shipping from amazon grates seem nicer, but they are almost three times as much. When the time comes I will be getting his flavor bars, but i think i can squeeze a year out of these.

