Weber Platinum Series II question!!!



New member
Hi everyone,
I'm new to the forum and I have some questions about a grill I just stumbled upon. A client of mine had an old Weber Genesis Platinum Series II with stainless steel doors and counter tops. It's pretty sweet and fires right up. The guy replaced it with a big green egg, and asked if I'd throw it away for him. It looked way too cool to just toss, so I hauled it home - this thing is HEAVY! So, I cleaned it up and am considering replacing a few things: flavor bars, grates, burners, and maybe hit the sides with a coat of high heat paint. I guess my real question is, if I wanted to sell this grill for any reason, how much could/should it render? I found a guy who refurbs dusty grills and gets them looking new again, and I have a hunch he'd be very interested in this one. I really don't have much need for it...I'm content with my Silver B, but I'd still like to see it go for a fair price.

If anyone has any ideas, don't hesitate to throw some my way. Thanks!



ps. it has a handle, I just took it off to clean the hood.
I'm not sure it makes sense to put much money into it if you're selling it. I'd just stick it on craigslist as is. I'd guess $100 if it needs that much money put into it.

