Weber grill not getting very hot


Helen Girling

New member
Just recently purchased a Weber Genesis II e310. Initially tried to grill 2 steaks and to achieve any kind of charring I had to have all 3 burners on full.

Then tried to roast a chicken using the indirect method. Got the temp up to 225c with all 3 burners on full but then turned off the centre burner and put the chicken in the centre of the grill. The temperature started dropping and to get the meat cooked through I had to light the centre burner. We don't seem to have a problem with the gas supply as we have checked this several times. Has anyone else experienced this?
Not sure. First off what type of fuel is it running? LP or NG? If LP did you try doing a full reset of the OPV device? They is the usual culprit here in the US. I know the guvmint in the UK is even more draconian than ours is here. So odds are you have even more protection devices and they're even more finicky. If it's a new grill there should be a troubleshooting chart. Try giving that a look as well

