Weber Genesis Silver B Gas Grill - Name Plate


Benny Memphis

New member
I have restored my Weber Genesis Silver B Gas Grill (2002)--it is in perfect condition again! All I need to do is repaint my Weber Logo but I was able to take my whole grill apart except for the what I thought would be the simple logo plate. Any suggestions? My plan now is to cut the washer things off with my dermal. Are they tension only?
Those washers things are like speed nuts and yes you cut them off and can't be reused. The new plate comes with new hardware and it's cheap less than 10 bucks. I just don't know if you can still get them, it's been a while since I bought one.
You can stick it back on very well with high temp automotive RTV. Trust me it will NOT come off. The one on my Genesis has been on it like that for 6 or 7 years
Any suggestions? My plan now is to cut the washer things off with my dermal. Are they tension only?
I'd skip that plan unless you absolutely can't get them off, which I don't see as a problem. I've taken a good number of them off and believe a 7/16 socket was all I needed for removal/installation. Did you take the lid and lid end panels apart? It's the same size socket/wrench and the same speed nuts that hold that together.
yes took the others off with no problem. These look rounded off or maybe corroded. I will try again with the socket wrench before I tear them up.

