Howard Warren
I have added a Cajun Bandit BBQ Stacker ring to my Weber OTG to make a poor man's WSM. In general it works, but using the "one touch cleaning system" louver for air control is not precise at all. If I use a Minion snake the grill wants to run at 275 degrees, even with the louver almost shut. If I use the Cajun Bandit charcoal ring and a "regular" Minion technique (iow, a pile of charcoal), the grill goes up to 325 degrees and I can't bring it down.
I think my primary issue is the air control through the one-touch louver. It's just not possible to fine-tune the big louver blades. With that in mind, has anybody ever installed the dial-type vent damper from a "real" WSM onto an OTG?
I think my primary issue is the air control through the one-touch louver. It's just not possible to fine-tune the big louver blades. With that in mind, has anybody ever installed the dial-type vent damper from a "real" WSM onto an OTG?