Watermelon-Feta Salad

Summer time brings watermelons!!! My wife can hardly wait for the watermelons to start selling so she can make her favorite salad. The dressing is a very simple olive oil, white wine vinegar and kosher salt and black pepper mix. It may seem strange to some but the taste of red onion, feta cheese and watermelon in one bite is DELICIOUS! Sorry this is only a picture of a bowl but this salad is great with a big, fat ribeye as well!!


Let me know if you try it please!
Chef John on youtube made that recipe. There was no onions though and I will add them when I try the recipe. Thanks!
With this salad, you'll only need some good peppery olive oil, vinegar, some bread and a glass of wine!

Vegetarian for a day, I'd say.
Beautiful looking salad Wayne! All my favorite ingredients mixed together! Am going to give this one a try real soon!
Bet that tastes great. Try to chop up some parsley and add that to the cubed melon...Let it marinate overnight and Tada=Parsley infused Watemelon really good in salads.

