Water Pan


H L Thomas

New member
I have a new 22.5 WSM & just completed the 3:1 grill mod, but I don't plan on using the water pan at all So I went to my junk box and found an old stainless steel trashcan lid that fit! But to be sure it is safe I plan on burning it in my brush pile for awhile. Any one else ever do this?
Do you mean using it more as a shield? I still use my bowl but have a steel disk in it, works real good for me and still catches the drippings and doesn't burn them when they hit.
I have the water bowl foiled, a foiled terra cotta base in it, and then I bought several of those cheapie aluminum turkey roasting pans that I crush / mangle one on top of that. The roasting pan catches most of the drippings and I clean / replace it as needed. I pull the water pan when making chicken / need high heat. Leave it all in for all other cooks.

