water pan mod



New member
Hi everyone,,
ive not used my water pan in my smokey mountain (new 18") now for a long time and was just wandering what everybody else does with theres who dont use it anymore..my brain is ticking over and im thinking the base of a small bbq ,,,,,simalar to a smokey joe,,,has any body done anything like this or any idea on parts such as a lid which would fit ???at the moment mines a bird bath :
I think a bird bath is a GREAT idea. Mine acts as a heat shield in the cooker. Usually with a saucer and foil to make it perdy. Yours must act like a UDS.

I think it would be very easy to fabricate some legs and fit some air vents and attach a cooking grate and hey presto a mini grill is born ,,,its just the lid to finish it off ,,has any body any ideas ,,,,cheers..PS i now use a clay saucer to replace the water pan

