Vintage Weber Kabob Setup

Hey Web...the kabobs look great. I like how you painted the ring too. It looks sharp with that nice red grill. I've been thinking about doing that to my rotisserie spacer when I used it on one of my reds, but then thought about how it might look if I used it on one of my other colored grills. (probably not good) How many times have you used it since it was painted? Just wondering if that paint has held up over multiple uses.
Hey Jeff,
I have used it just twice since painting it. The red has chipped off in a few places. Propably it is something I will have to keep on top of; fresh coat every now and then. I like that it has turned a darker red color after getting "baked" and almost matches the Weber red now. If I think of it I will post a picture after a Summer of grilling.


