U-Line 22" OTS ?


Greg B.

Hi Everyone!
Couple weekends ago I was rotating my charcoal after I bought more on the Labor Day sale, and I noticed the 22" Kettle I bought Brand new in box on CL in April for $60 had a U-line sticker on it. I have heard about the U-line Green Smokey Joe's but not a 22" OTS. Anybody have any information on this? Do you think it would be worth something in like 10-20 years? I know if it was colored it might be worth something but...
Thanks for looking and any little feedback will be appreciated!

Here are some pics

This is the lid, has some guy grilling on there.

Thanks again and have a great week! It's going to be real hot here in SoCal!!!
I have seen those on Ebay occasionally, haven't noticed them selling for too much, but who knows what will happen down the road. If it was Lime Green you might have something!
Uline gives away Weber grills as an incentive to people to place larger orders. I don't think they will ever be worth more than a regular unmarked grill because Uline is not a consumer brand, but a commercial/industrial supplier of items that businesses need. People who work in purchasing end up with these incentive products and sometimes don't want them, or they get multiples that they don't need.
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I have seen those on Ebay occasionally, haven't noticed them selling for too much, but who knows what will happen down the road. If it was Lime Green you might have something!

Thanks Josh! I was thinking about the same thing the kettle not being colored!

Uline gives away Weber grills as an incentive to people to place larger orders. I don't think they will ever be worth more than a regular unmarked grill because Uline is not a consumer brand, but a commercial/industrial supplier of items that businesses need. People who work in purchasing end up with these incentive products and sometimes don't want them, or they get multiples that they don't need.

Thanks Greg! I remember the lady that sold me the kettle telling me her husband won it at his company raffle. I'm just going to order an ash catcher assembly for it and get her dirty!
3 Gregs in a row! woot!

i grabbed one of these last weekend at a garage sale, unused, for $25.


i'm grabbing a SJ in green once we order some supplies from Uline, hopefully this week.
Greg was a popular name in my generation (I'm 47). In my son's Boy Scout troop of 16 boys, three of the dads are named Greg.
That was one hell of a deal you got on the $25 OTS.
Uline gives away Weber grills as an incentive to people to place larger orders. I don't think they will ever be worth more than a regular unmarked grill because Uline is not a consumer brand, but a commercial/industrial supplier of items that businesses need. People who work in purchasing end up with these incentive products and sometimes don't want them, or they get multiples that they don't need.

Correct. U-line is a supplier of industrial products for the company that I work for. U-line gives us ots as gifts. Every month there's raffles at work and those u-line ots are used as prices for wining the drawing. On Friday there was raffle but i didn't win :( would of been awesome though.

These grills are not worth Anything more then ots from the store.

Actually, if i would of won the raffle i would of tried to remove the u-line logo from the lid.

I do see these on CL. I saw a blue ost with a corona logo on it once. Th seller wanted 200$ lol.. "yea right man - right away", i said to myself AND it was a 18.5"
next you'll tell me you were born in october.

47 here too. ;)

No, you are much older than I am. I just turned 47 in August. :)

You guys are killing me! For reals? 47? Don't tell anybody but I'm turning 47 in October! Great score on the U-Line Greg-S! Have you gotten it dirty yet? Mine is still in the box, think of using it for spare parts cause my 22" OTP is falling apart.
Greg-Y - yeah, you got me by almost a year haha

You guys are killing me! For reals? 47? Don't tell anybody but I'm turning 47 in October! Great score on the U-Line Greg-S! Have you gotten it dirty yet? Mine is still in the box, think of using it for spare parts cause my 22" OTP is falling apart.

my mind = blown.

i grabbed mine for basically for the parts too. the sweeps are $18 at the store and almost every used one i grab has them frozen and rusty. the legs/wheels/triangle i just figured would come in handy at some point. i'll probably give someone the kettle portion itself away or make a lampshade out of it for the patio.

i don't really want a SJ but if i can score a free green one from uline the next time we buy big quantity i def will.

