Twitter Help - Right combo of Stokerware and Stokerlog



TVWBB Diamond Member
OK, call me lazy or extremely hungover, what is the version of Stokerware with the Twitter feature and Stokerlog supporting this version of Stokerware? I need to update as I'm doing a cook for someone on Tuesday who wants to follow it on Twitter . . . Thanks in advance . . .

EDIT: So I just updated Stoker to as it appears to be the latest version and I do not see the option for Twitter? Wasn't there a check box to enable twitter? Is it under my nose?
Thanks Joe, that's the part I couldn't remember. I've got it running with Stokerlog v5 Final Release and the two seem to be playing well together.

My Twitter name is Stoker_Ace, will be doing my first Stoker Twitter cook tomorrow evening.

EDIT: Sigh, well I spoke too soon; it looks tweets once (when I set it) and then nothing. I have the frequency set at five minutes and it's just sitting there . . . Amir, I vote to add Twitter Support in Stokerlog.

EDIT II: OK, this is odd, I forgot I left my Stoker connected, just checked my Stoker Twitter page and 2 hours after the first Tweet, Stoker just tweeted again. I have the frequency of updates set for every 5 minutes, maybe my Stoker clock is running slow? Any ideas?
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by LarryR:
My Twitter name is Stoker_Ace

LOL! That is awesome!
OK, just for kicks I powered Stoker up this morning and went about my business, just checked and it looks like it posted when I turned it on, again 16 minutes later and now it's posting every 5 min. (what I had it set to last night). Who knows what's going on w/this thing. I'm going to leave everything as is for the cook I'm starting tonight, it it tweets great, if it doesn't, not the end of the world. Still think it would be more reliable in Stokerlog.

I often experience the same issue. Sometimes it will "tweet" as set up to do and others it will only "tweet" when it feels like it. I don't know what the issue is but you are not alone with the inconsistencies.

Here are some of my cooks on twitter if you're interested.
Where did you get the firmware that supports twitter? All I get is a page cannot be displayed error when I try to get to the latest Stoker firmware on their website.

Can you post the firmware file and instructions if you still have it? I would love to get my Stoker on Twitter...
Here you go - It's beta - version I did have one problem when running Stokerlog with this version, when I would update Stoker from Stokerlog (say a target temp change) I would get an error and have to restart Stokerlog. Not sure if it's the version of Stokerware or the 7 that I'm running?

Here's the screen shot:

This won't be any help but I'm not sure if it's StokerLog, the Beta Firmware or something in .net. I get the same error several times per cook now. I intend to revert to an older firmware to see if it fixes the problem but never seem to get around to it. If you figure it out please post your fix.

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by LarryR:
Here you go - It's beta - version I did have one problem when running Stokerlog with this version, when I would update Stoker from Stokerlog (say a target temp change) I would get an error and have to restart Stokerlog. Not sure if it's the version of Stokerware or the 7 that I'm running? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Thanks for the link. And as a Ute fan, I must say nice avatar!
The addition of twitter support broker stokerlog resulting in the above message. But the latest revision of stoker firmware fixes that. So please try that and let me know if that is the case.

As I hinted elsewhere, I have twitter working on stokerlog. I just have to add the user interface to it, test it some and post it here. Hopefully that can happen this weekend.
I just got my Stoker, and setting it up into my home network went smoothly. However, I can't get it to tweet at all.

My Stoker came with firmware v. Do I need to update the firmware (and if so, to what - the updates page does not seem clear to me at all), to get the twitter function working?

Currently, I enter my twitter login, password, and update interval, enabling updates. I ok that and get back to the Stoker page. Then I go to the Stoker and switch it off, then on again to reboot the Stoker.

Any suggestions?

Please see the thread on Version 6 of stokerlog. My software now has twitter in there so you don't need to rely on stoker doing it.

The only reason to use twitter then is if you are running on the Mac and can't use my program.

BTW, the above note where I said the exceptions are fixed with the latest firmware is not true. There were incompatibilities which I have now fixed (although more work remains).
Thanks Amir - I am hoping to get as far as I can in my Mac environment with the Stoker over the first couple of days. So far it has been surprisingly hump-free getting the Stoker into my home network and also getting it available through the internet.

I have no doubt that I will be looking into the logging and other features available in StokerLog once I am fully up and running. So, if Twitter is such a pain from the Stoker side, then I'll just wait until I have StokerLog going.


