Turkey Breasts



New member
Weekly I get 2 turkey breasts, smoke them for the kids lunches for the week. Butter under skin and light seasoning, light smoke. If you air in the fridge a couple of hours you can still get crispy skin if you separate it well from the meat. This is so much better tasting and for them then processed lunch meat.
Weekly I get 2 turkey breasts, smoke them for the kids lunches for the week. Butter under skin and light seasoning, light smoke. If you air in the fridge a couple of hours you can still get crispy skin if you separate it well from the meat. This is so much better tasting and for them then processed lunch meat.

are they bone-in like a traditional turkey with the wings/drums removed, or how are they packaged? I'd buy the netted boneless/skinless breasts (deboned nicely and wrapped around itself) all the time,,,,,but I just don't see it like that very often.

