I made up a cure and let the belly cure for 7 days. I overhauled it once a day. I smoked it on the WSM at 175-180 today using Orange Wood Pellets. As always, I put my 16" pizza stone on the lower grate tabs and then the WSM water pan ontop of the stone to catch any drippings. I use the stone to make the hot zone smaller and it really helps keep the temps even (no hot spots) for smoking cured meats. Here's my recipe and some pics.
Tupelo Honey Bacon Cure
15 grams pink salt
3 ozs Diamond Crystal Kosher salt
1 cup Tupelo Honey.
EDIT Directions: Mix salt and pink salt well and stir in honey. Using a spatula apply evenly on all sides and ends and place in a 2 gal zip bag, removing as much air as possible and place on the bottom shelf of the fridge for 5-7 days. Overhaul it, flip it everyday. Check after 5 days and if it's firmed up and should be really red/pink in color (if not let it go another day or 2) wash off the cure really well with warm water and pat dry. I place the belly skin side down on a cookie cooling rack and place in front of a fan on low for 1-1.5 hrs till a nice pellicle forms. Place on smoker and smoke with the wood of your choice at 180-200 till a internal of 140 is reached. You can cook it up to 150 internal if you wish. 5 days for a belly is good but if using butt a little thicker you might have to go 7 days.
Tupelo Honey Bacon Cure
15 grams pink salt
3 ozs Diamond Crystal Kosher salt
1 cup Tupelo Honey.
EDIT Directions: Mix salt and pink salt well and stir in honey. Using a spatula apply evenly on all sides and ends and place in a 2 gal zip bag, removing as much air as possible and place on the bottom shelf of the fridge for 5-7 days. Overhaul it, flip it everyday. Check after 5 days and if it's firmed up and should be really red/pink in color (if not let it go another day or 2) wash off the cure really well with warm water and pat dry. I place the belly skin side down on a cookie cooling rack and place in front of a fan on low for 1-1.5 hrs till a nice pellicle forms. Place on smoker and smoke with the wood of your choice at 180-200 till a internal of 140 is reached. You can cook it up to 150 internal if you wish. 5 days for a belly is good but if using butt a little thicker you might have to go 7 days.