Traveling with a Smoked Turkey


J Bowie

TVWBB Member
I am smoking a Turkey for Christmas Eve. I will be smoking a fresh 15 pounder on Dec 22. The following day will drive 200 miles to Houston. Turkey will be eaten noon 24th. How is best way to care for this Salmonella carrier.
cook, carve, cool quickly, package, keep cold, reheat gently with some of the stock you're going to make with the carcass overnight on Dec 22.
Yes, what Dave said. I've done that with Turkey and it was fine.

Dave - do you think this would work with pork loin? I'm cooking 3 Boneless Center Cut Pork Loin's and will need to transport them the following day as well. (Don't want to hi-jack this thread)
Thanks Dave, will do.

J. Bowie - just to reiterate what Dave said, be sure to use a little liquid when you re-heat. I usually put the meat in a foil pan with some stock (I've used a good quality "stock in the box" before) and cover tightly with foil to re-heat.
When I start to smell turkey, its usually warm enough.

