Whats the opinion on tortilla presses? I am looking at making my own tortillas. It is just a press is there an advantage to having CI instead of aluminum or even wood? Seems two plates would work.
Brian, you could make your own (Google for "homemade tortilla press.")
I have found that the presses make quick work of corn tortillas but do not work well for flour tortillas because the dough has a tendency to bounce back. Perhaps I wasn't resting it long enough. Others might have had more success than I.
I found the following site which seems to give the pros and cons of each: tortillapress.info
I love my cast iron press. But like Rita Y said, it's not too good for white flour tortillas ...but for corn tortillas, it works exactly like you think it should.
I echo the corn vs. flour comments above.
I've been to the restaurant supply store several times, and have gone through the plastic and aluminum models...both have broken repeatedly. I finally picked up a cast iron one (galvanized I believe) and it's been in service over 5 years without a hitch. The one cool tip I picked up along the way is to press between folded over saran wrap or a sacrificed ziploc bag that's moistened with water on both outside sides.
If and that's a big IF i was to get one it would be a wood model....We been making tort's forever and use a rolling pin, now for corn tort's diffenently a press.
Ah, Kevin a good CI press would be as good as a wood press, wouldn't you say? Maybe not as pretty, and heck I could probably make one (wood) but then if I just go with a quality 7-9 inch CI I think that would fit the purpose quite well.
Agreed on the the whole flour tortilla thing. If I make those, the pin/board will come out for sure.
So sick and tired of not finding good T's at the local stores. I can get down to South Philly to a place that makes them regular - but that creates a whole other challenge.
If I have the Masa mix handy and the CI press I can integrate quickly other than getting the woodworking gear out and making a wood press. Might like to do that actually, but just trying to make dinner so that might happen after I retire
Kevin - Thanks for answering my question before I asked it. I picked up a wooden press really cheap at a Hispanic market. Seems to work well enough, but I had nothing to compare it to.