thermometer recommendation


Tom Pru

New member
I just got a new WSM for my birthday! Yeah! I have had an old Brinkman smoker for about 20 years. I am looking forward to better control.

I got the older model without the built-in thermometer. I thought saving $75 was worth it. I want to get a thermometer for the lid.

I am thinking of getting either the thermometer & bezel that come with the current WSM model (cost about $21 shipped) or this model from (cost about $25 shipped).

KCK thermo

Any thoughts on which would be more accurate?

- Tom
Something with NPT threads is usually more "industrial" vs the type of thermometer the new WSM has. I'd also say it's typically more versatile, although that is pretty debatable.

Although I have an industrial bi-metal mounted in a bushing, the reality is I never use it -- I always hang a probe down the lid vent and attach to the Maverick wireless, and I end up using that for 99% of the times I check the temp.
on my 18" i just use a long oven therm with a stem and stick it through the top vent. 3.99$ at the local gorcery. try that before you go whole hog.
I bought one of those on ebay and I just put it thru my OTG top tonight a bigger stainless washer and it probably would work better, but it did work and I still moved the vent open and almost closed during my steak cooking. Plan on drilling a hole for it in my kettle and buy another for my WSM when it arrives

