thermometer questions

I have a thermometer for a cork in the lid, and a thermometer for the door {easier to drill through and I can always get a replacement

can I use, or has anyone used a standard inside the stove type thermometer that sets on the grate?

I figure I could put it near to the door to see it.

this would be a temporary solution looking to get some measurements for my first smoke

It will work for a while, but everything inside the smoker gets...smokey. It won't take long before you can't read your oven thermometer.
for my 18 i use a candy therm stuck in the lid vent. my 22 has a built in therm. grate temps dont really matter. long as you got a therm the only thing that matters is checking now and then for temp spikes or falling temps. sometimes bumping a vent more open or shut by accident ahppens and the therm will show that.

dont get hung up on temps.

