Dan H.
i've had heck w/ these things. No more Mavericks for me (I think generally there pretty good though as I read). No more plugging the vent hole either I thought. The other day I noticed I could get another 7 or so degrees higher w/ a fully loaded cooker (big pan of beans, sausages, briskit) by pulling the therm out of the top vent. Its not a big deal at all though, I like that cheap therm cause its accurate. So far the BEST therm. I've owned is a 5 dollar instand read w/ a head about the size of a quarter and has a crooked needle from City Market. Im just on a bad luck streak though I know, I just think its humorous. Generally I read all good things about all brands but im keepin that little one too. Anyway paid like 100 bucks for a "Nu-Temp" two therms and one base station thing. If this thing fails im throwing it in the fireplace and never touching anything over 5 dollars again. My Maverick one day just decided to read 25 degrees low out of the blue and the signal blows.
we'll see how this baby does!! have a good one.