The stoker can now Tweet!


joe thomas

"This will allow the Stoker to send tweets to any specified Twitter account. There will be a tweet generated every time an alarm condition is set/cleared and there will be a tweet at regular intervals. The frequency of these periodic updates is user defined. "
I noticed this is beta firmware, is there any downside to switching such as stokerlog not working anymore? I know there is about a 10% chance of bricking the stoker when doing a firmware upgrade.
I'm not sure what it will do to Stoker Log as I'm not a big twitter fan. Although I'm a huge fan of StokerLog it's not quite fitting my needs at the moment. My home computer died a few months ago and I let my work laptop replace it. Now if I'm doing a long cook on a workday I now end up with gaps in logging because I move between home a and a two shops. I've been looking at Unconundrum's web interface app but it doesn't appear that he's going to release it to the public.
I tried to run the version upgrade via my Mac but when I clicked on upgrade.bat (per the instructions) I got an error message saying there was no application available to run upgrade.bat. The instructions seem to cover all upgrades, not just this particular one, so maybe this is an issue for upgrades via Macs in general. Anyone have any experience with Stoker upgrades via Mac I'd appreciate your help.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by LarryR:
Joe Thomas, isn't it located HERE? I could be wrong. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

It sure looks like it! Now I need to figure out what Ruby is and how to install it on my server.
You may already know this, so forgive if I re-state it. A *.bat file is a dos batch file. Unless you're running a windoze emulator, it won't necessarily run on a Mac.

As with any firmware upgrade, read and follow instructions carefully/exactly/religiously. Otherwise you very well may end up with an expensive brick that needs some technical guru to recover.

It would be worth finding someone's pc to borrow, if that is the way the instructions are guiding you.

Ruby is a pretty decent platform independent language that you can either download the source for or precompiled binaries for popular targets. You've probably already figured it out, but there is a ruby-lang dot org site where you can find most/all of what you need.
While a Stoker is on my "Someday List", I have to admit that being able to send a tweet is something I would find interesting to do. If anyone gets this set up, please post your Twitter account so we can follow.

Thanks Pete. I was aware it was a DOS file, but I thought maybe the Mac OS would be able to recognize it. It's probably for the best it didn't because like you said I probably wpuldve bricked the Stoker trying to upgrade via a Mac. Good news is my SO has a PC so I'm sure she'll let me do the upgrade from her PC in exchange for continued tasty smoked treats thanks to the WSM and the Stoker!
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by RDOwens:
While a Stoker is on my "Someday List", I have to admit that being able to send a tweet is something I would find interesting to do. If anyone gets this set up, please post your Twitter account so we can follow.

Thanks. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

I found this on on the egg forum. He is using his own interface to connect to twitter though...

Original discussion can be found here...
Finally a good use for Tweeter!
I had said I was not going to get on the Tweeter bandwagon ... gentleman I proudly eat crow!

I guess the guru folks missed this idea in their brand new release.
RD, I'll probably use my stoker this weekend and set her up to Tweet, I'll send you my Twitter account info.
So has anyone gotten the update installed and enabled the Twitter capability yet? I'm going to use my fiance's laptop to update since I've got a Mac, but it would give me a little sense of security to hear someone has successfully updated without bricking their Stoker in the process.
You people have some real issues.
I'll stick with my set it and forget it BBQ Guru Competitor model.
I've been setting it, and coming home to perfect food for 6+ years now, that's all I need to make great Q when I can't be around to tend to the WSM.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Bryan S:
You people have some real issues.
I'll stick with my set it and forget it BBQ Guru Competitor model.
I've been setting it, and coming home to perfect food for 6+ years now, that's all I need to make great Q when I can't be around to tend to the WSM.
</div></BLOCKQUOTE>. Oh I can set and forget the Stoker too. If I want to, that is. I could run my WSM without it too and get outstanding results. But the point of the question and comments was how to avail one's self of a new capability that is unique to the Stoker.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">You people have some real issues. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
Very true, I've never denied I have issues, we all know I do, major ones, LOL. Come on Bryan, I can do the same with the Stoker but that's so passé. Embrace the 21st century my friend, these computing boxes aren't going away; it's all about social networking now Twitter, Facebook, Myspace even TVWBB. If the technology is there why not update my mother who lives 750 miles away on the pit temp of my smoker (this is the same woman who recently complained I send her more pictures of cookers and food than her grand kids now who has the issues), LOL. Now tell me, when you were looking for a bike, did you buy a moped or did you go for a Harley? Both will get you from point A to pint B, right? One in just a little more style. Signed, Mr. Serious Issues
Well guys doesn't look like the Twitter feature is quite there. I updated my Stoker software to enabled twitter, entered user name, password, update interval and message header. Hit save and all twitter fields I updated are erased and the radio buttons on "enable/disable" are blank. Thought this might be a browser issue so I tired it in IE 8 as well as Firefox and no luck. Anyone else got this to work?

ETIT: Got her working, the trick is to follow the directions and reboot after you enter your Twitter info. Even though you do not see your Twitter information displayed it appears to be stored in the Stoker. I'll follow directions next time.
I am with you Bryan, my DIGIQ II is high tech enough for my dumb ***. I do admire all of you folks that are as computer literate as you all are,heck I have trouble turning mine on.
Twitter cook is underway. It's just a rib cook so you're only seeing pit temp. I'll do butts next and have multiple probes going.

