Temp Probe

Tony, welcome to the group. I use that set up and IMHO, the best thing to do is call Maverick and order the longer version of the temp probe. This will allow youw to drop it thru the top vent opening and secure it to the cooking grate all the while being able to remove the hood without having to disconnect the probe. If on the other hand you don't want to temp from the grate, you don't need the longer probe and can just drop the temp probe in the vent opening and clip it to the vent tab. You really don't NEED any other mods for the Maverick.
Good luck with the new cooker.


Thanks for the reply. I really don't want to hang the probe through the vent. I am looking for a more permanent mod that allows the probe to be pushed through a grommet in the side and registers the temp about an inch above the grill. Any thoughts???
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Tony Moseley:

Thanks for the reply. I really don't want to hang the probe through the vent. I am looking for a more permanent mod that allows the probe to be pushed through a grommet in the side and registers the temp about an inch above the grill. Any thoughts??? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

check this out:


besides the BBQ Guru product there are many other methods, cheaper, to instal grommets. Lamp cord gromments work, I hear. Do a search if the former doesn't work for you.

I recently installed lamp cord rod, nuts and caps in my new WSM. I love it. I found the information here http://tvwbb.com/eve/forums/a/...9052/m/945107275/p/2 . Look for the post from JSMcdowell with pictures on page 2. It worked out great for me. When I'm not using the probes or not using the WSM, I put some caps on them. Everything from the hardware store was about $12.

I use the ET-732 AND Digi-Q Guru on my 22.5 WSM. This means I have four probes going into the WSM. The new 732 probes are thicker than the old ones and would not fit thru the old Guru eyelets I had installed. I bought a lamp repair kit at Lowes and used the shortest threaded shaft. It was a simple drill thru, then a nut on each side of the shaft. The shaft is the perfect diameter for your probe leads.
Like Mark said, I ordered the longer leads for the 732. It makes a world of difference positioning your transmitter.
Good cooking!

