Temp deviations with Stoker using lump charcoal



TVWBB Member
Anyone have any experience with this? I noticed some pretty temp big swings (+/- 20F) using Wicked Good lump charcoal. This was after the temp had stabilized at my selected target of 225F, so I'm not talking about the initial temp "bracketing" that occurs just after the Stoker is turned on. In fact, at one time the fire pretty much went out and the smoker temp went down to 175F before I caught it (needless to say that brisket wasn't one of my better efforts, but that's what sauce is for I guess). There was plenty of unburned charcoal in the grate, so no lack of fuel, and the fan was running continuously in an effort to raise the temp.
I'm no expert, as I've only got a half dozen cooks with my stoker, BUT I had the same problem when I first started.

You need to have your top vent almost shut down, one member here told me to use one of the temp probes as a measure. Just stick one in the vent and close it till it hits the metal part - or about an eight of an inch open.

If this is not what's wrong, you might want to add some more info about your setup so the other experts can help you better.

I think what happens is you get a huge blast of cool air when the vent is too open, the pit gets cooler, the fan comes on hard and it overshoots. Then nothing for a while and over again. It also seems to use a lot of fuel that way.

Good luck.

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Pete N (doodad):
I'm no expert, as I've only got a half dozen cooks with my stoker, BUT I had the same problem when I first started.

You need to have your top vent almost shut down, one member here told me to use one of the temp probes as a measure. Just stick one in the vent and close it till it hits the metal part - or about an eight of an inch open.

If this is not what's wrong, you might want to add some more info about your setup so the other experts can help you better.

I think what happens is you get a huge blast of cool air when the vent is too open, the pit gets cooler, the fan comes on hard and it overshoots. Then nothing for a while and over again. It also seems to use a lot of fuel that way.

Good luck.

Pete </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Thanks Pete. I've got the top vent open maybe 1/4 to 1/2 inch with the two non-fan bottom vents closed. I'm wondering if it's perhaps related to the size of the lumps? I tried breaking them up a bit, but there were some pretty big ones in there. Perhaps the void between lumps, coupled with the low smoker temp, precipitated the drop below 175F as there was plenty of charcoal left at the time.

