Summit 670 Question


R Cain

What powers the LED tank scale? I have the battery pack for knob led's removed and the tank scale still works. I don't remember installing any other batteries than the knob lights and handle lights when I assembled the grill. I had a battery problem with the knobs (leaking batteries) and want to replace them all. I just can't figure it out.

Also does the ignition take any batteries? It works without the knob battery pack as well.

Thanks for your help

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You have a better memory than I do because I don't recall installing any batteries on the gas measuring system at all. I'm interested in what you find out on this.

Almost positive there are no batteries in the igniters. Pretty sure they are piezo.

I agree with the igniters.

I edited my 1st post I meant to say I did not install any batteries for the LED scale. As a matter of fact I remember pressing it before assembly, after box removal and it worked! Where does it get the power? :confused:
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