Stokerlog - A Possible Bug/Issue?



New member
So I posted last week in regards to my dual WSM setup and then posted that Stoker had told me to clear the DB when the fans and probes would 'criss-cross' such that fan 1 on wsm 1 was being controlled by the pit probe on wsm 2.

Well - I did a dual test run this weekend and I cleared the db and everything looked good on the stoker web page - everything was associated properly and working well....until...

I started working with Stokerlog. The minute I set the hi/low temps for the fire probes and temps for the food probes etc - the probes 'criss crossed' immediately after stokerlog wrote to the stoker.

I shrugged it off the first time and closed Stokerlog, re-setup everything under the web page on the stoker - restarted StokerLog and when it wrote the data for hi/low and food temps - bam - switched again.

So after setting it all up one more time - I never allowed Stokerlog to write to the Stoker and did all settings under the web page and let Stokerlog just read and monitor - it worked perfectly for the whole cook.

Any thoughts or is this a known issue with StokerLog and dual cooker setups?
Anyone? Was really hoping Amir might weigh in on this one - but was curious if anyone else had seen this as well?
Stokerlog has a special syntax you must use when naming your probes that tells it where each one goes. To have a probe show up on the second control system, it must have an asterisk "*" in it. This is documented in the help file.

Did you follow that scheme and still had this problem?
Amir -

Thanks so much for taking a minute out to check on my post. I really appreciate it!

I was aware of the asterisk from the help file, but I thought that only had to do with graphs/monitoring - so I didn't have any asterisks in any of the names that time. I was letting Stokerlog just monitor which ever one it wanted on the graphs - so maybe that's where the issue occurred. I will try again with asterisks and if the problem persists, I'll post back.

Thanks for your help and I'll let you know as soon as I get a chance to test drive.

