Stoker Probe Disassociation


Joanne Macek

TVWBB Member
Hi Guys,

I bought my Stoker WiFi last year just before the big comp at we do. I had posted a bunch on the StokerLog V6 thread regarding some problems I was having with probes dissociating from the blowers. I didn't determine root cause, but just became more paranoid about refreshing StokerLog to check for disassociated probes. I noticed that when I was running only one blower, I didn't have the problem. Since our big comp was last weekend, this issue is back on my mind.

I called Rocks and they told me that a bad probe or blower could cause these symptoms. So, tonight I setup on my kitchen counter to do some more debug. I had seen a thread that mentioned spaces in names. So, I decided to rename my blowers and probes. Just removing the spaces didn't help. HOWEVER, I had never renamed my 22" blower/sensor when I got it. So, I renamed it. Guess what? The probe disassociation that I was able to reliably reproduce EVERY time I changed a temp on StokerLog, disappeared!

SO, if you're running more than one blower and are having trouble with probes getting disassociated, try renaming them to something shorter and with no spaces! Looks like I'll have to fire up more than one smoker to test it out...before next year! ;)


