Stoker not tweeting


Bob Hunter

Hey all, I was wondering if I could get some or information concerning using the Twitter function on the Stoker. I have setup a SuperTweet account, authorized the SuperTweet app in my twitter account and gone the the twitter html page on my Stoker and setup the account and SuperTweet password enabling it and saving the changes, but I am not getting any tweets from the Stoker. I am also running the latest firmware from Rocks / Kaytat.

Anyone else had problems making this work? Any suggestions?
In case anyone else is having this issue. For me it turned out that the SuperTweet API issue was that I had my Stoker setup with a static IP address. Once I set it up for DHCP the twitter function started to work fine.
My Stoker tweets with static IP set. The key to my problem getting it to work was setting the default gateway in the Stoker as the router IP (
Having your Stoker set to DHCP will cause problems accessing it when the IP address changes on the Stoker.
I had the gateway setup cirrect. So I guess I don't knwo what the is main issue was then

To eliminate the IP change problem though, all you have to do reserve that IP for the MAC address of the Stoker, now DHCP wont assign a different IP to the Stoker.
Not all routers allow address reservation. Mine didn't.
My stoker tweeted with dynamic and static IPs. I had to go with static though since accessing my stoker from the internet works smoother if addressing is static. I opened a free account with dyndns to fix my routers ever changing IP address issue.

