stoker no ip address


greg nester

New member
just got a stoker yesterday..powered it up and no ip address...i hooked it to my router...and just got a blinking yellow light on the router...hooked to laptop also.....not sure what to do...any suggestions?..i have a netgear router powered by a cable modem, there is no pc connected to router...i have 2 laptops in the house that run wirelessly
Not sure what you mean by "no IP address". On the Stoker menu, there is a setting for IP address. Change that IP address so that it matches your router's IP address except for the last digit group; i.e. if your router is, then you should set the Stoker to or or some other number so that the router can communicate with it. If all else fails, read the manual.

Search around this forum for some great tips and links that can help you set the Stoker up.
ok im completley manual says that when i turn my stoker on it will retreive an ip gonna need step by step instructions and cant get a holf of jon jackson....
OK Greg, let's try this. We are setting a static IP address which is generally recommended for Stoker users. At your computer, select "Run" from the start menu and type "cmd" then press enter. Once the black command window opens, type "ipconfig" and see what it shows you. It should display that computer's IP address. The first three digit groups should be the same for all computers and the router on your network. Mine is 192.168.1. Once you do this, then you might have to experiment with the last digit group on your stoker to find one that works on your network. It cannot be the same as your computers or your router but it can be any other number between 1 to 255.

Another kink is if your router's DHCP server is set to supply IP addresses for the whole range 1-255. In this case, you might want to limit the router's DHCP range to, say 101-200 and then set the Stoker to some number outside this range (like 99 or something.) Hope this helps.

Agree with Joe re Jon. He isn't very good at returning calls or voice mails.
ok i got it working is hooked to my router..i can now see it in my browser by using the ip address and also in stokerlog...when i open stokerlog it tells me no fire control probes found...what to do?.
also for some reason when i start stoker log...i get an alarm going off on the stoker is there a manual for this thing?
You have to associate a temperature probe to the blower. In the web software of the stoker, there is a way to assign a temperature probe to control the blower.

You are oh so close!
Originally posted by greg nester:
also for some reason when i start stoker log...i get an alarm going off on the stoker is there a manual for this thing?

Those alarms are programmed in the stoker itself. Go through the menu on the Stoker itself and you will find them. I never use the Stoker's alarms. StokerLog has much more interesting and useful alarms imo. I don't really need an alarm going off at my smoker; having one on my computer at my bedside is much more useful! Get StokerLog once you get everything going. Search this forum for it.

Check my first reply to you in this thread for a link to the user manual for the Stoker. It is a pdf file you can save on your computer or print out.
i got it now i think...sorry for being such a dummy...but i think i got it now.....but i do have one more thing to clear up...seems i cant change temps in stoker log....i have to go to the browser version then restart stoker log...not a biggie was just wondering if i am doing something wrong or not
No. First, I don't use the Stoker on all my cooks. Some just don't warrant the effort to hook it up (such as high heat brisket, ribs). But for long, boring cooks like low and slow butts, it comes in handy.

Secondly, I never keep the graphs of the cooks done with StokerLog/Stoker. I kept the first couple but quickly realized they were just not necessary. The graphs did help me to optimize the lid vent setting when using the Stoker but not much else. But I know some folks here do keep them. Each to his/her own.

Good luck and enjoy the Stoker Greg... and welcome to the forum!

edit: I was replying to the previous post! Sorry for the delay...
Originally posted by greg nester:
i got it now i think...sorry for being such a dummy...but i think i got it now.....but i do have one more thing to clear up...seems i cant change temps in stoker log....i have to go to the browser version then restart stoker log...not a biggie was just wondering if i am doing something wrong or not
I simply click outside of the temp field after making the temp change then click the "Update Stoker" button. Not sure if this is the correct answer, but it works for me!
I simply click outside of the temp field after making the temp change then click the "Update Stoker" button. Not sure if this is the correct answer, but it works for me!
That's correct. It is very slow to update these values in stoker. So stokerlog does not attempt to update stoker itself until you instruct it by pushing that button.

