Stoker - No Internet


frank sledjeski

TVWBB Member
So I have a dell laptop and a wireless bridge hookup now for my Egg and it runs through my home network. I want to use it at a comp so I will not have internet access. How do I reconfigure stoker so it uses wireless and no internet?

Well Im guessing you would need to bring your wireless router or a wired router to connect your laptop directly to your stoker via a patch cable. Or you can just configure the Stoker via the built in onboard controls.
Eric is right. Either a wireless router or non-wireless router. You can pick up an old "B" router for next to nothing. That's what I use. I'd like to get a wireless bridge, but they are usually pretty pricey.

The thread that Pat mentions should set you up. In that thread I explain how to setup a wireless connection between a laptop and a Linksys game adapter. It works well but I found out that I have a spare Linksys wireless router kicking around.

What I did last weekend was just setup the router with basic security (WEP) and change the admin password at the contest. That way a competitor could not login to my wireless net and change the settings.

You don't need to plug the router into an internet connection and the onboard DHCP server will assign your laptop and stoker's IP addresses automatically.

You can find cheap routers on eBay for $30 shipped:
At competitions I plug the stoker to a router and then plug the laptop to the router. Once I plugged the stoker to the router and let my laptop pick up the stoker from the router wireless and guess what? I lost the signal and after many beers forgot that the vol on my laptop was off and ZZZZZZZZZZ woke up to a brisket that was 206 degrees. so now I run a cable into my tent.
OK, This thing is messed up :-). Let me run this scenerio by you guys.

I have the Stoker hooked up to a WET-11v2 and set the sotker IP to I can get the stokerlog to work on my pc and my laptop just fine. Now I want to plug the stoker into my laptop, but when I do that nothing works. I can't get that ip to connect.
You need to reconfigure your laptop to work that way. It is still waiting to have an IP address issued to it. Just like you did for the stoker, you need to assign a fixed address to the laptop.

