Stoker Netgear WNCE2001 IP Issue



TVWBB Diamond Member
Anyone use this bridge with their Stoker? I'm at Ed C's and I'm it doesn't appear to assign the Stoker an IP, it uses it's own IP address so when you type it in it takes you to the setup page for the Bridge vs. Stoker. Anyone have any suggestions. CALLING ROB!
Why not go with static address for stoker? I do that routinely anyway as you always know how to connect to it without looking up its IP address.
I tried, however, when I typed in the IP Address I assigned it it would pull-up the setup page for the bridge not the Stoker. It doesn't appear to be assigning the Stoker an IP address.
It may be too late, but have you tried hard wiring the stoker to the router, assigning an IP address to the stoker and a different one to the bridge? Then communicating with each and making sure they both work. Then attaching the stoker to the bridge?

I have that EXACT bridge and have nothing but success using it. However, I've found there's a trick to making it work right:
<LI>Connect the bridge to the Stoker with your CAT5 cable
<LI>Power up the bridge .... and wait for it finish all it's hand-shaking with the DHCP server in your router. For me, the WLAN indicater light will flicker, go out, then come back on again in 5 or 10 seconds. Sometimes it goes from yellow to red and back to yellow - even during the cook and I've not seen an issue with communications.
<LI>Now, power up the Stoker and .... wait a minute, even beyond the time needed for the "Please Wait..." message on the LCD display to disappear
<LI>Now, go look and find the IP address
The key to the whole thing is to wait. With reference to TCP/IP, neither the bridge nor the Stoker are speed demons. I have found that if I rush things I just end up having to start over.

