Stoker Log - Alarm Settings Issue


tucker marks

New member
I waanted to see if anyone could help me out with an issue setting the alarm on stoker log:

I set the pit probe alarm toon, then change the low, high fire alarm setting, hit update stoker, then a couple minutes later it's back to off on the stoker log? I have tried this several times any suggestiongs on what the issue is? They keep going back to the off column, and I click it back to on, but now the update stoker button is greyed out?
Hi there! I'm also a Stoker and Stokerlog newbie - and thanks, Amir, for all that you've contributed for us!

I found that changing one setting at a time and then updating the Stoker works. If I change more than one thing, it must overwhelm the Stoker's CPU

In order for the Update Stoker button to be 'available' and not grayed out, you need to change one of the values of one of the probes and then move your cursor off of the field.

Hope this helps!

/David C.
thanks for the advice I appreciate, and I too can't thank Amir enought for all his hardword on this program, what a blessing it is to have the program for sure. I tried that, and when it goes to "reading web interface" it switches the pit probe alarm line (which is the only one I changed) back to off?
Not sure what to tell you here . . . changing one element at a time is what has worked for me . . . but keep in mind today is the first time I've used it for a real live actual cook. All of my other experience has been with the Stoker sitting on the bottom shelf of my computer desk with the pit and food probe clipped to my printer and a shelf, just to get to know it.

The good part is that I will need to practice really often before the first contest I'm competing in come April 9th and 10th . . .
Really often! LOL!
I think if you want the Stokerlog "alarms", set the alarms but don't "update stoker". I believe (and Amir can confirm this), but by just setting the alarms in Stokerlog, you'll only get the alarm in on the computer. If you set the alarm on the Stoker (by doing the "update stoker"), you'll also be setting the alarm on the Stoker box itself (and if this outside by the smoker, that little alarm is very annoying for neighbors.

So just let Stokerlog notify you and not set the alarm on the Stoker unit itself.

Amir, do I understand this correctly?
My own memory is fuzzy on this a bit but I am 99% sure that due to feedback from you all, the alarms in stokerlog are no longer communicated to stoker. That is,they only set off on your PC and not on the stoker.

That said, I can't explain the issues Tucker is seeing. I just used stokerlog this last weekend and used the fire alarms and they worked.

Tucker, can you try to repeat the problem step by step for me? Just use the stoker in your home right now and try to see if you can repeat the sequence that led to it not accepting the setting changes.

I am not home right now so can't look at the source code to see what could undo it.

Thinking out loud, if you tried to reload the settings by hitting F5/Refresh, that could undo the settings as the stoker doesn't think alarms are set.

Double-checking, you did hit "start" on stoker log before arming the alarms, yes? If you do it in reverse order, when stokerlog reads the stoker setting it will reset the alarms. I should fix this but this is the way it works.
I think I was able to finally resolve the issue, and to tell you the truth not sure how I did it, but it works now, only thing left to figure out is why my iphone won't pull up my stoker
, thanks to everyone for the assistance

