Stoker ethernet question


Keith Angilly

TVWBB Member
Hi all,

I connected my stoker to my laptop per YankeeRob's instructions. I got a successful ping but when I type the IP into the browser, the interface won't come up. I am assuming that because I got the successful ping, that this some kind of firewall thing. I did try to shut my wireless off, but that didn't work either. Thought?

Actually, I'm having a very similar issue...I went through all of Rob's videos several times (thank you Rob!) and I think I set up my Linksys wireless router, the Stoker and laptop exactly the way he suggested. However, I don't seem to be able to get to the Stoker through the router. Here's the details:
- I can see the Stoker & Stoker Log when connected to the laptop with a x-over cable
- I can see that the Stoker and the router are communicating when they are connected (red &
green LEDs)
- I can get a wireless connection between the router and laptop
But I can't get to the Stoker through the wireless router...

Another thing I've noticed is that I can't get access from the laptop to the router with a cable. I've tried two different cables and three different routers and no luck. At first I thought it was a bad connector on the NIC, but I can get access to the Stoker with a x-over cable.

I've turned off the firewall on the computer.

Laptop: Dell with w/built-in wireless radio running XP Pro
Router: Linksys WRT54GL

HELP... please

Is the stoker set up to gets IP address automatically? If so, have you verified that by using the menu on stoker and finding out what address is assigned to it?
I actually figured out what the issue was. I had mistakenly assigned the static IP address to the ethernet port instead of the wireless port. The cable not working correctly was a clue. As soon as I corrected that, everything worked fine.

Amir, thank you very much for StokerLog!

