steelhead thief!


Brian Thomas

Yes this really did happen:o

Last weekend I was out grilling Teriaky pork kabobs when my wife came home and we unloaded everything she got from costco out of the car. We put everything in the house with the exception of the meat which I put outside on our deck figuring it would stay colder there rather than in the house.

I was planning on vacuum sealing everything after dinner. There was a pork loin, a package of boneless pork shoulder CSR's, and a package of steelhead fillets in the box. Anyway I finished cooking the kabobs and went inside to eat. We were inside maybe 15 minutes tops. After dinner I went back outside to grab the box and start vacuum sealing.

I noticed the plastic wrap on the package containing the steelhead fillets had a long rip in it. At first I thought it must have gotten ripped when my wife put the other items in there before driving home. There was only one big fillet in the package :confused:

I mentioned to my wife "There's only one fillet in this package". Her: "There were two in there when I bought it". Me: "Well there's only one in there now".

Then it dawned on us. Something ripped open the package and grabbed the smaller fillet while we were eating dinner!

Needless to say I was pretty ticked off. I figured the fillet was long gone for sure. I went back out to look for it just in case. I noticed wet drag marks on the deck going from where the box was to the other side, so I followed those and sure enough I found the fillet lying on the ground. It was covered with dirt and gravel and I could teeth marks on the tail end so after taking it in the house and showing it to my wife, I grabbed the garden hose and washed it off REAL GOOD. Took it back in the house after doing this and washed it off again in the sink, and cut off the tail end with the teeth marks and threw that part out.

One of the neighborhood cats had torn open the package, grabbed the fillet and tried to run off with it but dropped it. :rolleyes: The pork loin and CSR's were untouched.

After all this, I divided everything up into portions, vacuum sealed it all and put everything in the freezer. We're having the steelhead fillet tonight.
Reads like a novel Brian! Good luck with the salvaged fillet. I was guessing raccoon! Undoubtedly, what made your frustration even worse, you're trip to Costco meant a drive to Redding or Medford??
Reads like a novel Brian! Good luck with the salvaged fillet. I was guessing raccoon! Undoubtedly, what made your frustration even worse, you're trip to Costco meant a drive to Redding or Medford??


I cooked the fillet on Saturday. Did it with cedar plank. It was very good.

